Foreign Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas Advances Economic and Development Partnerships During Strategic Meetings in London and Paris

In a brief UK visit, the Rt. Hon. Dr Denzil Douglas Foreign Minister held a series of meetings in his capacity as Minister with responsibility for Investment and Economic Development. “I am pleased to transit London because it is a very international city. Many roads from different corners of the globe converge in the British capital. This particular visit has provided me with another opportunity to engage with entrepreneurs who have a presence in the UK and are interested in partnering with St. Kitts and Nevis,” Dr Douglas said.

Given the government’s renewed emphasis on economic diversification and people empowerment, FM Douglas met with business persons desirous of exploring opportunities in hospitality, health and wellness, energy security, and social responsibility.  Dr Douglas worked through the weekend, having had five meetings that hold great promise for the Federation.

FM Douglas later made a brief stop in París to participate in the 173rd General Assembly of the Bureau of International Expositions. This General Assembly will determine the host country for EXPO2030. Dr Douglas also witnessed the election of St. Kitts-Nevis High Commissioner Isaac to the BIE Committee on Rules and Regulations.

The Foreign Minister leaves Paris for Dubai, UAE, on Wednesday for COP28.

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